Completely unedited and could change...RAW material
“So when did this happen?” I
“I was asked this morning and
decided earlier” Drake answered with a shrug.
“We knew he couldn’t turn us
down” replied X
“Really and whys that?” asked
“More chances to get laid, of
course” X scoffed followed by a thump and an ouch.
“Seth she’s abusing me again” he
“Stop being a prick, and man up
by the way” Devi responded before Seth could, Seth just shrugged while everyone
else laughed at them.
“I didn’t know you were a
masochist, man” X said in mock horror.
Seth shrugged “Whatever floats
your boat”
Devi and I groaned we knew what
was coming next.
“Whatever sinks your ship”
quipped Eli.
“Whatever tickles your pickle”
came from Drake.
“Whatever increases your trickle”
from Sam, which got some looks.
“Whatever trips your trigger”
from Devi, I looked at her and lifted an eyebrow, she gave a look that pretty
much said might as well join.
I sighed “Whatever turns your
We all looked at X, scared of
what would come from his mouth we didn’t have to wait long.
“Whatever pets your monkey”
causing us all to groan.
We all sat back and enjoyed our
time together; we really didn’t get enough time together like this.
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